President Bush Withdraws 8,000 Troops

10 09 2008

This morning I read the headline: “Bush to Cut 8,000 Troops.” Here’s a link to the story:

I got excited for a minute and thought we could be on the brink of troop withdrawal from Iraq. This story became anti-climatic to me as I remembered that my husband and his comrades make up about half this number and that they still have 11 1/2 months to go. This cut in troops really didn’t even put a dent into the number of men and women who are actually serving over there. 

Right now, Jay’s deployment has not been bad for me. I’ve been very busy with work, school, and volunteer activities. I have not had time to sulk and come to grips with being alone. It feels like Jay is on one of his missions in the field. Because I’ve been in contact with him nearly everyday, I have not felt like he was at war. When I talk to him, I can hear laughter in the background and he typically tells me stories about his daily activities. I know this lightheartedness will change soon. I wonder at times if I’m ready for the grim realities of war. What does that reality entail? Only time will tell. Until next time….